How do I get my CEO on board with diversity and inclusion?

How do I get my CEO on board with diversity and inclusion?

A key enabler of any activities that address diversity and inclusion is the explicit support of senior leaders, and none is more important than that of the CEO.  When your organisation first starts to address barriers to diversity and inclusion, there is likely to be some resistance from people who are either comfortable with the way things are or don’t see any problem.  Sometimes a CEO can fall into one of these camps.

Data driven insights for your gender strategy: Four ways to leverage your WGEA benchmark report

Data driven insights for your gender strategy: Four ways to leverage your WGEA benchmark report

Every year the WGEA also produces Competitor Analysis Benchmark Reports which are individual and customised benchmark reports for each reporting organisation. The reports draw from data from around 5,000 non-public organisations who employ 100 or more people in Australia. The benchmark reports allow individual organisations to see how they are performing on the WGEAs Gender Equality Indicators (GEIs) in relation to all organisations in their industry or sector or across all reporting organisations.

What is a strategy hack?

What is a strategy hack?

The Hack concept is more popular in the start-up world that with SMEs or large corporates but we are starting to see some large corporates pick up the idea and adopt start-up methodologies to unlock growth and innovation. 

Preparing the ‘young ones’ for the future of work

Preparing the ‘young ones’ for the future of work

Today I attended and presented at the Department of Employment’s Youth Jobs PaTH Forum focused on helping young Australians move into work, preparing young people for the future of work, and programs aimed at addressing youth unemployment.