Gender equality diagnostic review
Understanding ‘where are you now?’

Many organisations want to jump straight in to implementing a series of gender related initiatives - the problem with that approach is that you don’t always know what you are solving for. Working towards gender equality can be complex and there are often deeply held views and cultural systems working in the organisation that will get in the way of success if you’re not aware of them.

The diagnostic phase is important to understand what are the gender equality issues in your organisation. This provides the starting point from which you can set goals and design strategic initiatives around.


Diagnostic review

We used a methodology consistent with the WGEA Gender Strategy Toolkit to cover where your organisation is in a number of core areas of gender equality:

  • Leadership commitment and role modelling

  • Gender strategy and business case

  • Leadership and management capability

  • Talent and pipeline management

  • Gender pay equity

  • Workplace flexibility

  • Gender composition

  • Gender mainstreaming of operations

  • Gender aspects of supply chain and procurement

  • Gender measurement and reporting systems

  • Policies and procedures

Through this diagnostic, we will assess any issues, opportunities and strengths in each of these areas. Generally, we like to undertake this process using a range of methods, including desktop reviews, interviews and workshops with leaders and teams, and surveys. We will provide you with a full debrief, which will serve as the launch pad to start your gender equality strategy.


Employee gender equality survey

We can conduct an independent survey of your employees to understand their experiences of gender equality within your organisation. The survey can include both experiential and attitudinal questions.

Surveys can be designed for your organisation. We suggest including the WGEA Employer of Choice for gender equality questions:

  •  “My immediate supervisor/manager genuinely supports equality between women and men” 

  • “I have the flexibility I need to manage my work and caring responsibilities” 

  • “In my organisation sex-based harassment is not tolerated”.

Following the survey we present the results and analysis to your leadership and team.


Industry reviews and benchmarking

Offering a workplace that is inclusive for women and men can set your workplace apart in attracting the best people. We look at trends in your industry that may impact gender equality. We look at what your competitors are doing and how your organisation compares. Our review can also include an assessment of leading organisations that your aspire to emulate.